Finshed Film

Thursday 1 March 2012

Evaulation Question 4: Who would be the audidense for your media product?

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
TASK: Create your perfect audience member, give them a background, a picture, a ‘tribe’ and, what music do they listen to, what TV do they watch, what films would they go and see? (Use the post from earlier in your planning, but this time discuss how you have attracted them in your finished film).

This would be a style of our audidense member, Our Perfect audience member would be a young adult; this is because our film is quiet edgy and Morden semi inspired by skins which is a contraveral British TV programme about teenagers. I did some research about my target audidense and found out that 25% ‘definitely agree’ that they “watch more TV on my computer these days.” This was higher than the 19% among all 16 to 24s. This means that my marketing of the film when advertising should be directed towards the internet and less towards the television.

This would be the music our audience member would be interested in, semi mainstream with some indie, rock, bass and dance. The T in the park line up was a good mix of these including snow patrol, Twin Atlantic, Jesse J, The enemy and more classic artist such as The stone roses.

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